The is very much a WIP. Made from sample net curtaining, most likely c.1950s, that was given to me by my friend, an op shop shopper par excellence! I suddenly had the idea that this stuff would shrink given half a chance, so I cut it up, machine embroidered it together under dissolvable film, and of course, it did not shrink. Great re-thinking of project,and the crazy patch of lace curtain and doyleys are in process of being appliqued to tea dyed cotton with cotton batting, so that eventually it will be recycled into a wallhanging.
Recycling is a bit of a buzz word these days, but having grown up in the war when clothing was on coupon, I lived the first years of my life in clothes that had been something else originally, including parachute silk knickers that my Mum fashioned for me and my sister. The fact that it was bright yellow did not deter her at all!