Sunday, August 13, 2006

ugly fabrics

I think from a comment made by Arlee that she would like to set up an ugly fabric journal page challenge! She is not the only one who has those 'gosh, why ever did I buy THIS' type of fabric. I did make up all my ugly quilt fabrics into a reversible quilt (lots of strips) for my youngest daughter to take camping. It turned out amazingly attractive and she wouldn't take it camping to be spoiled but instead it has pride of place on her bed.

I have been working on a bag, fabric journal pages and painting one of my hibiscus flowers. Pastels are an extremely messy method of painting, but very satisfying - you get such lovely colours with them no effort involved.


At 8:45 AM, Blogger arlee said...

Well, NO, but that IS an idea worth thinking of.....:]

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Susan said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. =)


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