Thursday, August 10, 2006

Bag Lady

The bag I made in Carol Wilkes' workshop has already been spoken for, my daughter fell in love with it and when I had finished it off properly, including a dangly ornament of wrapped cords, plastic bag beads, cone beads, sequins and various beads and whatever I could lay my hands on that sparkled. To my amazement it turned out PINK - I hardly ever work in pink or wear pink, but there it was, this pink bag! It was a fantastic workshop including a bit on rust dyeing. However, Carol dyes with rusty or rusted objects which menas that the fabric continues to be eaten and will eventually disappear. Kimberley Baxter Packwood has instructions for rust dyeing and for stopping the rust eating the fabric on her website. Its all very simple, but I'm afraid rust dyeing doesn't do much for me, looks too much like the rust spots that sometimes appear on washing and that I have tried to eliminate over the years


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