I'm not sure why I feel compelled to embellish the bags I made, it sure took me a lot longer to finish the denim bag than it need have done. I must take a picture of it so you can see the finished bag. I am going to Melbourne next week to see my eldest daughter, and I wanted a large bag to carry on the plane to carry a bottle of water, book, some nibblies in case the food is inedible, and my tatting in case of dire boredom. Actually, I have to stop tatting angels, I have already made three and I don't want to make too many, even if I am getting my Christmas and exhibition stuff done early LOL
Don't you mean BECAUSE the food is inedible not IF? Lol. I have never been a fan of airline food and a lot of flights don't even serve food anymore so nibbles for the plane is a good idea.
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